Purchase Orders

Chapter Topics
Purchase Order Header
Vendor Subform
Items, Cost & Discounts
Delivery Date
Cancel Date
Payment Type
Days Credit

Purchase Orders are not required in XpertMart though they are highly recommended. You can configure XpertMart so that no Purchase Order is needed to receive merchandise in a store or warehouse. At the other extreme, you can configure XpertMart so that you can only receive merchandise against a Purchase Order. (For a full discussion of these configuration options, refer to the Receipts topic.) In either case, a Purchase Order does not affect inventory directly as no merchandise is actually added or subtracted from your inventory. Stock is added to the system only after a Receipt is made.

Purchase Orders can be made at any Remote station (store or warehouse) and also at the Main. From the Main you can make a Purchase Order for any store or warehouse (though only the store/warehouse itself can receive the merchandise). You can also make Multi-Store Purchase Order at the Main for more than one store. To learn how, see the Multi-Store Purchase Orders topic.

This chapter will discuss how to make a Purchase Order. Refer to the Transactions topic for general background on making transactions in XpertMart before you begin.

Purchase Order Header
The Purchase Order header contains six read-only fields that display information about the Purchase Order being made, including: the Purchase Order Number, the Date it is being made, the Store it is being made for, the Store it is being made at (Origin Store) and, as always, the Employee who is making the transaction. There is also the Multi field which is where the Purchase Order Number would appear if you were making a Multi-Store Purchase Order; otherwise it remains blank.

Vendor Subform
Use the Vendor subform to select the vendor you are making the Purchase Order for. The drop-down menu will display the contents of the Vendors Catalog.

Items, Cost & Discounts
Enter the items you are ordering from the vendor using any of the five methods discussed in the Transactions chapter. Given the fact that you will usually be ordering large quantities of items, using the <F4> matrix to input quantities will save you a lot of time. The POrder Cost column displays the Order Cost that you've entered for that item in the Items Catalog. Use <F7> to input any item discount. The resulting Net Cost is the cost that will appear on the Receipt. Use <F9> for any Global Discounts that apply to all items on the Purchase Order. When you enter a percentage discount, the equivalent discount in dollar terms will appear in the Discount field in the footer. 

A summary of these items will appear at the footer of the Purchase Order, including total items on the PO and their total cost:


Note that no tax appears even though the items ordered may carry a sales tax. This is because XpertMart assumes that retailers have a reseller tax number and do not pay sales tax on items they will resell. (If you are operating in the Value-Added Tax modality then tax will appear on Purchase Orders and Receipts).

Delivery Date
Use the Delivery Date field to specify a date in the future that you want the vendor to deliver the merchandise. This field is particularly useful if you are ordering items long in advance. Click on the button to the right of the field to open the XpertImage tool to select a date.

Cancel Date
Use the Cancel Date field to specify a date after which the vendor should consider your order cancelled. This field is particularly useful when ordering seasonal merchandise. (Who wants to take delivery of bikinis in December or fur coats in July?) The period between the Delivery Date and the Cancel Date forms the effective "window" during which the vendor can deliver the merchandise to your stores or warehouses. Click on the button to the right of the field to opne the
XpertImage tool to select a date.

Payment Type
This drop-down menu displays the contents of the Vendor Terms Catalog. Use it to select the payment terms that the vendor is offering. Usually the payment terms are either Cash on Delivery, Prepaid, Consignment or Credit.

Days Credit
The Days of Credit field is used when you select Credit as the Payment Type. Enter the days of credit a vendor is offering inthis field. When the transaction is done and saved to the Documents>Purchase Orders Catalog you can refer back to the order to see when payment is due.

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